Become The FASTEST EDITOR Alive!
With the help of Tymon Reynders' video on Premiere Basics YouTube channel.
On the channel he's creating content about Premiere Pro and sharing his editing tips! 💥
If you're spending hours on editing and feel like you're not making progress, this post is for you. We're going to go through Tymon's video providing you with tips that help you to get it done faster, without losing quality!
1. Fast Trimming
The first essential thing you've got to learn is to ripple trim your clips on Premiere.
By dragging your playhead on a clip and hitting the Q key, everything on the left side of the playhead will be deleted and the remaining part will snap to the clip in front.
On the contrary, if you want to delete the last part of your clip, you have to drag the playhead and hit the W key, so that everything from the right side of the playhead gets deleted.
The J, K and L keys
L: You can play four words in the timeline and if you press it twice, the playhead will move two times as fast. So to speed up the playback, keep tapping the L key. 🔥
K: Hit to stop the video from playing.
J: Hit to play or rewind your video backwards.
For super precise cuts
With the arrow keys you can move around frame by frame, but the problem is that they are quite far away from the J, K and L keys. So we're going to set keyboard shortcuts. ☝🏼
- Click Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts
- Search for Step Back 1 Frame in the command list, select it and hit the N key
- Then select Step Forward 1 Frame and choose a key underneath the L key
2. Shortcuts
The next trick is to create your own Keyboard Shortcuts.
Let's get started by clicking Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Most of the F keys on top are unused so you can use them to create your own "shortcut studio". 💯

Here's Tymon's example:
F1 Keyframe Ease Out
Find it in the command list by typing in Temporal Keyframe. Click the empty space next to Ease Out and press F1 on your keyboard. Done!
Repeat the same with different F keys:
F2 Keyframe Ease In
F3 Linear
F5 Nest Feature (to quickly nest a selection in the timeline)
F6 Frame Hold (to freeze frames in a second)

And lastly, learn your shortcuts by heart!
3. Lumetri to LUT
Turning multiple Lumetri effects into one single LUT is going to save you loads of time because you don't have to mess around with presets anymore. 🙌🏼
Start by finding your two Lumetri effects in the Effect Controls panel. To turn them into a LUT, go to the timeline and duplicate your clip. Select the second clip and go back to the Effect Controls panel and delete the Lumetri effects.
Head to the Lumetri Color panel, open up the Color Wheels & Match tab. Click on comparison view. With program monitor you'll see your current clip on the right and you can select a reference clip with the timeline on the left -> find the video with the two Lumetri effects applied.
Now it's time to match your new clip with the reference video. Click on Apply Match and both of your Lumetri effects will be applied in one Lumetri effect, which means you can turn it into a LUT. To do that, go to the menu on top and choose Export .cube. For future videos, all you have to do is apply this to your LUT.
4. Auto-Sync Clips
Wouldn't it be cool to just drag your clips on the timeline and have them perfectly in sync with the music? 🤯
To make it possible we're going to Automate to Sequence:
Move the playhead to the beginning and press the space bar to play. Then press M to place a marker on every beat of the song. 🎵
Next go to the project window and to the first clip. Move your cursor to the blue line at the bottom of the clip. Press I on your keyboard to set an in point, so that your clip will start playing from that in point when dragged into the timeline. Do this with all of your clips.
Put your clips in an order you want them to be on your timeline and click Automate to Sequence. In the window that opens, set the placement to Unnumbered Markers to sync your clips with the markers you set. Click OK. Now all your clips are synced to the music. 💥
Final Quick Tips from Tymon
5. Project Templates
You no longer need to create empty projects, create the same folders and add the same assets again, as you can now save the project and reuse it as a template:
Go to File and Save as Template. When starting a new project select it as a template from the menu and you get all your assets and folders within that template.
6. Missing Audio
You're almost finished with editing and notice one of your audio clips missing. Instead of searching for it and wasting a lot of time trying to sync it again, just select the clip with missing audio, hit F on your keyboard and the source of your video will open up. You'll see the match frame with the in and out point of your clip and you can just drag the audio waveform into the timeline. Audio saved!
7. Auto-Transcribe
As you know, it's possible to transcribe speech inside the Premiere Pro text panel. However, it's not necessary to do that separately with every clip you have.
Premiere will do this in the background as soon as you import a clip. To enable this feature, go to Edit -> Preferences, click on Transcription, and choose Automatically transcribe clips. You can choose to auto-transcribe your clips in the sequence or in the timeline, but you can also select it to all of your imported clips. Now when you drag your clips into Premiere, it starts transcribing automatically and you can continue working in the meantime. 🪄
8. Auto-Trim your Clips
Pauses and filler words can now be removed with a single click. Click on the filter icon in the Transcription window. If you select pauses, each pause will be highlighted in the transcript, and you can remove them all by clicking the Delete button -> Extract -> Delete all.
Learn how to edit faster, without compromising on quality. Tymon Reynder shares his tips in a video on the Premiere Basics YouTube channel.
The first skill to learn is to ripple trim your clips on Premiere Pro. The second thing is to create your own Keyboard Shortcuts, including Tymon's example of a so-called shortcut studio.
After this Tymon walks you through on how to turn multiple Lumetri effects into one single LUT. That's gonna be an actual timesaver!
The fourth tip is about Auto-syncing your clips to the music.
At the end, you'll find four smaller tricks from project templates to automatic transcription to make your editing even more efficient!