A Complete Walkthrough of THE SUBS PLUGIN
On our website you can a find a user manual that provides information about our plugin.
So here is what you can learn by watching the video:
How to get started?
Subscribe to THE SUBS PLUGIN in the Adobe Marketplace, open up Premiere and choose a project.
In Premiere you find the plugin in the menu, navigating to "extensions" in the "window" drop down.
Voilà! There you have it. 🚀
In the user interface of the plugin you'll find a simple four-step guide, and below it you can set a text style and a colour to suit your needs.
Time to hit captionize!
Once you're happy with the style and the colour, just hit "captionize", and your captions will automatically be created as graphics in your timeline. ✨
A tool for professionals creating many videos a day
Apart from automizing caption creation, we also wanted to make it easier and quicker for you to edit your captions afterwards.

You can edit them afterwards in two main windows:
Text panel
Click the graphics tab to see your captions in an overview, this is perfcect for correcting spelling mistakes or for navigating through your timeline, you can even search for specific words and replace them if needed. As simple as that. 🤝🏼
Essential graphics panel
You can change your text in the text field, use custom fonts and stylize it (only applies to your active caption snippet, and if you can't see the options, you might have to select a caption snippet in your timeline by clicking on it).
In the panel you can also find three color fields. The first one defines your highlight color, the other two don't have any effect.
So, why are they there then?
- Most creators want to use multiple colors in their captions to enhance their storytelling by coloring positive statements green and negative statements red, and with those extra color squares you can easily change the highlight color by selecting and clicking with the color picky tool.
And what about the slider in the panel?
- Since keyword selection will never be 100% accurate, with these sliders you're able to adjust the keyword effortlessly.

💡Psst! If you find it annoying to always highlight the caption snippet to be able to work in the essential graphics panel, just toggle the drag icon on your timeline and the selection will always follow your playhead.

What else can I do with the plugin?
The fact that your captions are directly in your timeline gives a lot of opportunities. 💯

Since we don't work with the subtitle track but caption snippets, all the effects in the effects panel are available and easy to apply! You can also create your own transition by dragging the transform effect to the caption snippet and playing around with some keyframes.
You can create multiple layers of captions in different colors and then randomly combine them by dragging them up to create a random color effect. 🎨 Or you can create captions in two different text styles and jump back and forth between the different styles, with two different speakers for example.

With the time saved you can actually get creative here!
Get started by subscribing to THE SUBS PLUGIN in Adobe Marketplace and opening up Premiere. 🚀 The simple and clean user interface of the plugin makes it easy for you to start working and saving time.
Get captions done at the click of a button and enjoy the ease it brings to editing them afterwards.